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Snow, Waterfalls, and Ripped Flannels

So, my first month with my family has been pretty fun. My first outing was to this place pretty close to home, called Bridal Veil Falls. I had a great time climbing up the trail to the lower and upper falls. Everyone on the trail wanted to say hello to me, it was so much fun. My family is super slow though, I'd have to wait for them to catch up. It was even worse on the steep parts. I'd climb all the way up and have to keep climbing back down to make sure they were ok. At the top I got to play in the snow. I LOVE snow. I was having so much fun, but my family wanted me to pose for what they call a picture. Who has time to take pictures when there is snow to play in. Going down I finally started getting a little tired. I'd never gone on a hike before, my body wasn't used to it. (I was still faster than all the people.) We were almost back to my car when a grumpy man yelled at me for not being on a leash. I wasn't causing any problems and stuck right with my people, but they put the leash back on me. I hate the leash. I just want to explore, I never leave my people. My family let me off again pretty soon though and I was happy again. A pretty good first outing.

This is me, not cooperating for a picture, but it's one of my families favorites. They keep laughing at it. (Oh, and I ripped Conner's flannel on the way down. )

The second adventure we went on was just another short day hike. It was another near by place called, Horsetail Falls. I loved this hike too. There was snow the entire time. On this hike I got to stay off the leash the whole time! This hike was a lot longer too, but I didn't mind. The trail got buried in the snow and was really deep. My family kept falling deeper into the snow, which made them even slower. We finally got to a point where there was was a cool waterfall. We sat on a ledge and ate some food. Then headed all the way home. We ran into a group of people with dogs on the way back. We had so much fun playing with them! Then my family finally started keeping up with me. They ran the whole way down the trail. Sometimes I got bored running next to them and tried to chase them and nip at their heels. They would almost fall down and didn't like that very much, but I thought it was funny. It was another great adventure.

Why do they want me to hold still when there's SNOW!?

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